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NEWS UPDATE - 08/05/2020


As we head in to week 7 of lockdown with the First Minister addressing the nation today stating that a review will be done in 3 weeks time, it is no doubt a scary and worrying time for many, and the struggle of not being able to see our loved ones seems to be getting that little bit harder as each day passes especially on occasions like birthdays, anniversary’s and such like but please try to remember this isn’t forever and if we all follow the guidance and guidelines set out by the government, things will hopefully start to ease.


I would like to take this moment to personally thank all SAC frontline workers. Without you, being so selfless our services wouldn’t be able to run. You are the backbone that keeps the communities functioning and it absolutely doesn’t go unnoticed.


South Ayrshire Council have -


* Kept all our critical services running

* We have delivered over 11,000 food boxes to children and young people who are entitled to free school meals.

* Provided toiletry packs, nappies, baby food and sanitary products to those who need them in our communities.

* We have trained over 90 employee volunteer call handlers which has allowed us to contact 4000 residents who are shielded to offer them support and provide help and advice to over 800 residents who have called out dedicated Covid -19 helpline.

* We have serviced over 700,000 bins and food waste caddies.

* Provided a garden maintenance service to residents who are disabled, elderly or vulnerable.

* We have provided care at home services to over 2066 vulnerable and elderly residents and are training employee volunteers who can be deployed in to care roles making sure we can continue to make a difference to people need us most.

* We have provided childcare and learning for 340 children whose parents are both critical workers and our teachers are continuing to engage with young people using online technology.

* We have given over 1700 employees the technology to work from home allowing our teams to continue to handle all frontline customer enquires over the phone.

* Provided vital business and funding information, and emotional and practical support to local companies and business owners struggling to survive the crisis and  provided help to hundreds of businesses with their applications to secure grants and worked with newly self employed people to secure the newly self employed hardship fund.

* We have provided our residents with a number of online exercise classes and support programmes.

* Supported over 30 community and. Faith based groups providing funding, information, food and volunteer support.


 A huge well done to all those involved. 👏🏻👏🏻


From an Councillors point of view, as usual we have been having our weekly group meeting most Monday’s via Skype, which gives us a chance to discuss issues being raised within every ward. I personally have seen a rise in constituent enquiries looking to be sign posted.


Issues that have been raised on several occasions have been, childcare, job concerns, furlough questions, small business grants, household waste,  fly tipping, there has also been an increase of antisocial behaviour, I have received several complaints and reports of children and teenagers at different times using play equipment and in school grounds causing annoyance,( if this is your child, did you know what they were up to? Did you know they are at risk of either catching or increasing the spread of COVID19, lockdown is for everyone’s safety, not just those most vulnerable). Finally an increase in street litter with several used gloves being found along popular walking routes, an increase in dog fouling(or maybe an increase in neglectful dog owners).

Although it is the councils responsibility to provide and maintain crucial services it is also the responsibility of those living within South Ayrshire to look after local areas and take some pride in the place we all call home.


I’m pleased to see many small businesses, supermarkets and local shops who have been allowed to trade follow the government’s guidance and guidelines with the 2m rule being applied in most stores with clear markings, with smaller stores limiting the amount of customers in at any one time. Please should you have any concerns with any local businesses not following these report to the appropriate bodies so this can be looked at. Safety for us all is paramount. Many businesses within my ward have been in contact with myself and I will continue to work closely with them throughout.


I have been humbled to see the community spirit come alive and it’s great to see so many friends, neighbours and individuals volunteer to help those in the shielding category. I know of many individuals who have selflessly went above and beyond with no recognition whatsoever but just remember kindness isn’t measured by publicity and never should be.


I personally am in the shielding category and received my letter from the Scottish Government and have been blown away by the updates and offers of help. Unfortunately due to this I have to watch what I’m doing so haven’t been able to help as much as I would of liked however I am available on social media, telephone or email to answer any constituent enquires. Details of which is available on my page.


Mental health has been a huge concern throughout this crisis for many. Please if you are struggling, know you are not alone and there is organisations in place to help should you need them. Please see some examples below.


Whilst as a council we’ve had to address many issues and I’m not saying we’ve always got it right but as we’re living in unprecedented times please be assured we are working as hard as we can to mitigate as much as possible and my ward still remains one of my priorities. As ever, I welcome feedback and ideas on what you would like to see from the council. Unless you tell us, we don’t know and  I’m keen to hear new views from the public that elected us, after all we are here to be held to account.


Stay safe and take care

Councillor Chris Cullen

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